Several years ago, whilst between jobs, I volunteered to work on an independent Canadian
film (with the working title "Sunshine") doing the storyboards, the character sketches and the cover art for a demo DVD to show to a grant committee. I met with Ryan Ward, the director/co-writer/star every week for a few months to work on the drawings based on his ideas. He wanted them to be quite detailed and I would vaguely sketch the placement of the props and characters in each box with him there and then refine them when I got home. I ended up drawing well over a hundred different frames-almost every shot in the movie. Right before the deadline he assembled them in order, scanned them and made a slide show to music he'd written and recorded.
Shortly after his grant committee meeting, Ward was asked to play the role of Ash in the Evil Dead Musical in New York and Toronto. When he was finished with that he managed to get an impressive amount of funding and began production. They finished the film and its been on the film festival circuit since 2009. Anyway I haven't seen the finished film myself but you and I both have the chance now as it is being played in regular theatres beginning Friday, April 8 at the Carlton Cinemas (20 Carlton St.) It runs until the 14th of April.
So once again:
Son of the Sunshine
Carlton Cinemas
April 8-14

Here's the trailer:
I'll try to figure out how to upload the demo dvd slideshow.