Thursday, May 24, 2012

So the Davenport Perth Spring Fair went well. I forgot to get a photo of my table but I was happy with how it looked. I got some T-shirts and some buttons made and they did well, especially the former; I'll have to make a bigger run next time. I also got some fancy prints done of the above pieces so people can email me if they're interested.
Thanks to my friend Mia Skye for telling me about the event and to everyone who purchased things.
Thank you especially to Evan Doherty for being so generous with his time, skills, and resources; lately I don't get much done without him.
For further information on Evan Doherty, read his informative About page from

GroupOfEvan is a  one-person decision-making collective founded in the interest of promoting and preserving the continuity of Evan Doherty’s creative online identity.
Evan Doherty is and has always been a moderately creative person with a host of critical and imaginative powers. He is not your typical directionless art school dropout. In fact, he is a directionless art school graduate. He has a BFA from the Ontario College of Art and Design and the will to figure out how to use it. It is currently living with his parents who, after all, paid for the thing. Maybe they can figure out how to get it to work. It might be one of those objects like in Harry Potter that only reveals it’s use in times of crisis. It will help his mom to escape from a really pompous giant earthworm or something. Anyway, Evan has always enjoyed making things up. The things may take the form of stories, photos, videos, cartoons, puppets, t-shirts, cocktails, stir fry, songs, websites, personal brand statements, reviews, essays, sculptures, paintings, messes, comics, lists, greeting cards, bicycles, charts, drawings, jokes, complaints, mistakes, wikipedia hoaxes, decisions, costumes, logos, desktop wallpaper, ads, forced memes, slogans, etc.
Evan longs to one day become “heavily influenced” by surreal science fiction novels, absurd sketch comedy, avant-garde art installations, 1960s garage rock, conspiracy theories, internet ephemera, and broken electronic machines. Someday he may achieve this. In the meantime, his influences remain unconscious, and thus, unknown to him. In short, he is mysterious but also strangely normal. His worldview is best expressed as the colour “pale fluorescent green.”
Evan usually brings a unique mix of wrong assumptions and bad methods to every problem he encounters which may result in absurd and unforeseen solutions. He hopes to prove that this can be desirable in certain situations. Evan has recently completed a course of study in the realm of “Children’s Entertainment” and hopes to find expression for his special ideas inside the minds of human children. As a living filthy sticky sponge that is clogged with meaty chunks of information absorbed over the course of 30 years, Evan thinks he understands the following things pretty well: secrets, humour, art, psychology, magic, advertising, time, explanations and solutions for things, vagaries, the occult, and so on. Evan Doherty: experimental media producer and innovative collaborative supermonster.