I finally finished this 16-page Joe Matt-y comic I keep talking about; I finalized it just over a month ago. I made an online submission to Drawn and Quarterly and I also applied for a Xeric Grant.
The Xeric Foundation was established by Peter Laird, co-creator of the Ninja Turtles, and it gives grants to people to self-publish comic books. I may get the grant and I may not; I find out June 15. If I do get it I'll print about 500 copies as nicely as I can and sell it for $5 or $6. If I don't get it I'll print less copies on less expensive paper and charge $4. Either way you'll be able to buy the comic this summer on this blog or from me in person.
Here's the finished cover:
I met a cartoonist named Jason Bradshaw who happens to live quite close to me and he self-publishes regularly. He's been pretty helpful and inspiring to me. He writes a series called Boredom Pays and for its third issue he wrote and drew 4-panel daily diary strips for several months. He was nominated for a Schuster Award for the second issue.
Here's his blog: