Hey friends I'm ever-so-excited to say that the first issue of my autobiographical comic Leisure is finally printed and available for sale through this blog (on the left-hand sidebar). I printed it once before to hand out at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival but this new printing is much nicer. I scanned the images at a higher resolution and put more care into their placement on each page. I also decreased the size to make it look that much cleaner and easier to read. Lastly, I added some refined versions of strips I posted to Facebook as well as a brand new one. All told, this version has twice the content of the first printing. My friend and fellow cartoonist,
Jason Bradshaw, was extremely helpful to me in this endeavour so a special thanks to him if he's reading this.
Here is a link to a short preview of the comic:
I've drawn several pages for the next issue so check up on here for updates about that.
Also, feel free to write to me with any questions or comments at timcomrie@gmail.com.
"Onwards and Upwards!"
-Wesley Krpan